
Dorian Tsai

Dorian received his Bachelor’s of Applied Science in Engineering Science from University of Toronto, Canada, and a double Masters of Science in Space Science & Technology from Lulea Technical University, Sweden, and in Robotics & Automation from Aalto University, Finland through the Erasmus Mundus SpaceMaster program. He completed his Master’s thesis project at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab on autonomous vision-based tether-assisted rover docking. He then worked as a robotics engineer at the Canadian Space Agency for a year, before joining the Centre.  During his PhD and under the supervision of Peter Corke, Donald Dansereau and Thierry Peynot, Dorian investigated how to develop 4D light field features and how to exploit them for camera motion and vision-based control for robots. He is particularly interested in aspects of robotic vision, and space systems.

Dorian completed his PhD in March 2020 and became a Robotics Research Fellow with the Institute for Future Environments (IFE) Intellisensing group at QUT.

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