While we know that the story of our legacy and what we have achieved as an ARC Centre of Excellence is a broad and diverse set of outputs, an important metric of our success which cannot be overlooked, is our academic performance.
A summary of this performance, after just six years of operation, is as follows:
- 269 journal articles published and 408 conference papers. If the Centre were a person it would have an h-index of 77.
- 44 Postdoctoral Research Fellows, 100 HDR students (30 completions, 70 current students) and over 130 Honours students trained.
- Over $39 million in external income secured via industry engagement and projects, and additional ARC grants.
- Presented over 700 government, industry and community briefings.
The resources and support from the centre were really helpful for starting to publish during my PhD. Presenting at project reviews and at RoboVis were also a great way to get some early feedback and practice on presenting early versions of publications.
It is just amazing and humbling to see how the raw numbers of quality of how much great work has come from the Centre. Taking that balcony view and reflecting show how incredible the whole team’s achievements have been.